Bagpipes & Banjos Moove Mix

Bagpipes and Banjos??!  An unexpected mix for bike or run that you need to try out.

This is Kim from MooveMix. As a Spinning Instructor for over 20 years, I have made hundreds of Playlists intended to motivate a good ride. A great playlist is key to a good spin class and for a music lover, it makes any solo ride or run go by in a flash.

Having a good theme idea for a playlist results in a fun challenge to find songs that motivate the efforts you have planned for the class.

It's always fun when a participant comes up with a new theme for you. You would be surprised by the great playlists that can come out of pretty wacky ideas :-).

This was probably the biggest playlist challenge I was ever given. "How about a playlist with songs that have banjos in them,.... and bagpipes?".

This is now one of my goto playlists whether I'm out on the trails for a run, or inside on the treadmill or the trainer riding or running on @gozwift
Click on the link in bio to get to this playlist in Spotify.


cyclist on playlist album cover for bagpipes and banjos playlist for bike or run

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