VO2Max Comparisons by Age for Men and Women

Your V02 Max is is the maximum volume of oxygen you are able to use.  The more oxygen you are able to use, the higher your capacity for exercise and endurance activities.  The more oxygen you can use the greater you fitness potential (e.g. ability to work harder, run faster, and perform more efficiently).

Keeping track of you V02 Max levels over time is one way to track your fitness improvements over time in order to figure out whether your current training program is producing fitness improvements for you or not.

There are several ways to try to estimate your V02Max.

2.4K (1.5 Mile) Run/Walk VO2 Max Test

One VO2Max calculation method is to perform a 2.4K (1.5 Mile) run/walk as fast as you can, and then plug your time for that run, into this calculator:  https://pikefitness.com/resources/calculators/1-5-mile-run-vo2-max/

12 Minute Run/Walk VO2 Max Test (Cooper Test)

If you don't want to complete 2.4K, you can alternatively run/walk as fast as you can for 12 minutes, and plug the distance you cover, into this calculator:  https://pikefitness.com/resources/calculators/12-minute-run-walk-vo2-max-calculator/ 

1.6K (1 Mile) Rockport Walk Test for VO2 Max

If you don't feel up to putting out a maximal effort (which is required for the tests above), or you need to avoid high impact activities like running, then you can simply walk one mile as fast as possible (but with one foot remaining in contact with the ground the whole time - no running) on a flat surface.  Measure how long it takes you to complete the 1 Mile and measure your heart rate when you are finished.  No heart rate monitor? Count heart beats for the first 15 seconds after completion and multiply by 4 to find your heart rate. Plug all of the numbers into this calculator:  https://pikefitness.com/resources/calculators/1-mile-rockport-walk-test-vo2-max/

Calculation Based on Max Heart Rate and Resting Heart Rate

If you roughly know your maximum heart rate (MHR) because you use a heart rate monitor, use that, otherwise estimate it by tasking 220-your age.

Ideally you would also get your resting heart rate (RHR) from a heart rate monitor as well, but if you don't have that then measure it by taking your pulse and counting your heart beats for one minute while completely at rest.  E.g. maybe when you first wake up before getting out of bed.

VO2 Max = 5.3 x (MHR/RHR)

VO2 Max Comparisons

V02Max values are impacted by gender and age, so here are two chart which can help you assess how "good" your current V02Max value is.

VO2 Max Chart for Women

VO2Max Chart for Women

VO2 Max Chart for Men

VO2 Max Chart for Men


Charts above are taken from https://runninforsweets.com/vo2-max-chart/

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